Air Pollution
Introduction Air Pollution: An air pollutant is any substance in the air that can cause harm to humans or the environment. Pollutants may be natural or man-made and may take…
Environmental protection legislation
Updated from UK legislation & Standards of Environmental protection Clean Air Act 1993 Sets out ancillary controls related to air pollution control including regulation of smoke, grit, dust and fume…
UK legislation relevant to the control of hazardous chemicals
Updated from UK standards of hazardous chemicals prevention General health and safety The minimum standards for health and safety are those outlined in numerous pieces of statutory legislation. These include…
Wastes Management
Introduction The purpose of this article about wastes management is to address the environmental issues that agreed upon environmental laws and ISO14001 in order to reduce current pollution and improve…
Wastes Management
Introduction The purpose of this article about wastes management is to address the environmental issues that agreed upon environmental laws and ISO14001 in order to reduce current pollution and improve…