Laboratory Safety

Updated from Laboratory Safety Editions of Imperial College, London

Laboratory Safety Introduction

Your safety in the laboratory is determined not only by your own actions

but also by the actions of those around you.

Since the staff is not around most of the time,

the users are often in the best position to observe the behaviour of others.

You may point out about the violations of the safety guidelines to

the offender and to the staff at the first available opportunity.

Please do not start an argument and if you think the reaction by

the individual was inappropriate report it to the staff.

The use of laboratories and clean room facilities depend on maintaining a safe working environment.

Thoughtless behaviour, violations of the laboratory or chemical guidelines would not be tolerated.

All research workers are expected to adhere to safety guidelines and

maintain safety standard expected in a university facility where direct staff

observation is not possible.

Laboratory Hazards

Hazards in the laboratory fall into three general categories:


A wide variety of equipment is used for different activities.

Most of the equipment is delicate, sensitive and expensive.

Before you use any equipment you must learn about its operation and its safety implications.

Misuse of equipment can lead to injury delay in project work and substantial cost in repair bill.


A variety of compressed gases are used, some of which may be toxic, corrosive, flammable, or explosive.

These hazards have been minimised by the use of proper equipment,

proper confinement, ventilation, safety valves, etc., and by procedural controls.

You must learn about the safe handling of gases before embarking on their use.

An accident with any of these could be catastrophic.


Acids, bases, etching solutions and solvents are commonly used in materials chemistry and device fabrication.

These are “hands on” hazards which are hard to control by engineering controls only.

These chemicals can cause severe burns, tissue damage, organ damage, asphyxiation, and genetic damage if used improperly.

You must take chemical safety instructions before using any chemical.

In addition, improper use of solvents can result in a major fire.

These chemicals even they look ordinary, are definitely not hazard free.

Filling in a COSHH form should not be for the fulfilment of legal obligation only

this is an opportunity to learn about hazards associated with chemicals

their safety implications and how to handle and use them safely.

Laboratory Safety Awareness

General Safety Awareness

  • Familiarise yourself with all aspects of safety before using any equipment.
  • Be alert to unsafe conditions of the equipment, procedures and actions, and call attention to them so that corrections can be made as soon as possible.
  • Label all storage areas, appropriately, and keep all chemicals in properly labelled containers.
  • Date all chemical bottles when received and when opened.
  • Note expiry dates on chemicals.
  • Note storage conditions and adhere to them.
  • Familiarise yourself with the appropriate protective measures when exposed to the following classes of hazardous materials.

In particular Flammable, Corrosive, Toxic, Carcinogen, Compressed Gases,and Poisons.

  • Segregate chemicals by compatibility groups for storage.
  • Post warning signs for unusual hazards such as flammable materials no naked flames or other special problems.
  • Pour more concentrated solutions into less concentrated solutions to avoid violent reactions (i.e. add acid to water, not water to acid).
  • Avoid distracting other worker.
  • Use equipment only for its designated purpose.
  • Position and secure apparatus used for chemical reactions in order to permit manipulation without moving the apparatus until the entire reaction is complete.

Personal Laboratory Safety

  • Always use extracted wet benches for chemical work.
  • Always wear safety glasses or goggles at all times in the laboratory.
  • Wear laboratory coat/apron in the laboratory.
  • Appropriate gloves should be worn as needed.
  • Appropriate shoes should be worn in the laboratory.
  • Wear breathing mask as and when appropriate.
  • Only trained personnel may use breathing apparatus.

Personal Hygiene

  • Wash hands before leaving the laboratory.
  • Never mouth suck anything in a pipette in the laboratory.
  • No food or drink is allowed in laboratories or areas where chemicals are used or stored.
  • No food should be stored in a laboratory refrigerator.
  • Never eat or drink from the laboratory glassware.
  • Keep exposed skin covered in the laboratory.

Fire Prevention

  • Aware yourself of ignition sources in the laboratory and service areas (open flames, heat, electrical equipment).
  • Purchase chemicals in quantities that will be used in not distant future.
  • Always store flammable liquids in appropriate cabinets.
  • Do not store incompatible reagents together (e.g., acids with organic solvents).
  • Do not store ethers or similar chemicals for extended periods of time as explosive peroxides could form.
  • Date chemicals when received and opened.
  • Make sure that all electrical cords are in good condition and all electrical outlets are earthed. Remain out of the area of a fire or incident if you are not in position to help.
  • Familiarise yourself with siting and condition of fire extinguishers. Broken seals mean fire extinguisher has been used and need be recharged.
  • Do not use fire extinguishers unless you are trained and feel confident to do so.


Eliminate safety hazards by maintaining the laboratory work areas in a good state of order.

Maintain clear passages to the laboratory exit.

Always keep bench tops, extracted wet benches, floors and aisles clear of unnecessary material.

Wipe down bench tops and other laboratory surfaces after each use.

All equipment should be inspected before use.

If experiments must be left unattended

place a note next to experimental apparatus indicating:

the chemicals involved, possible hazards, your name and a number where you can be reached in case of an emergency.

Keep the laboratory floor dry at all times. Attend to spills immediately and notify other lab workers of potential slipping hazards.

Only authorised personnel should do maintenance work on laboratory equipment.

flushing with water the Sink traps on a regular basis to prevent the release of chemical odours in the laboratory.

All compressed gas cylinders should be securely chained or clamped to a rack.

Take empty cylinders to the empty cylinder bay for collection.

Unnecessary delays accumulate rent that is usually much more than the price of the gas.

Emergency Procedures

Please familiarise with the location, use and limitations of the following safety devices.

In particular Eye Wash Station, Breathing Apparatus, Spill Cleanup Materials, First Aid Kit, Fire Alarm, and Fire Extinguisher.

Clean up all small spills immediately.

If a spill is large and is expected to poses a hazard to others in the laboratory,

stop the activity or equipment if possible, and call for help.

If volatile, flammable, or toxic material spill

shut off flames and spark producing equipment

at once and evacuate and call one of the above members of staff for help to deal with the spill.

In the event of fire or explosion, call for help.

finally, Maintain a clear path to all safety equipment at all times.

Laboratory Safety Video Animation

General Lab Safety


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